Thursday, February 10, 2011

Daily Question,"What is the oldest human-created artifact that has mattered to you? Why/how does it matter?"

The cave paintings of Lascaux, France are from about 32,000 years old and very beautiful, and the paintings shouldn’t only matter to me; they should matter to everyone.  The cave paintings in France were painted by people who lived a very long time ago, and the paintings show what the people focused on. The paintings were of mainly of animals and hunts they had. This means to me that they probably spent most of their time hunting or there whole culture was based on hunting. Hunting was the main source of food for the people back then, until the Neolithic Agricultural Revolution. The Agricultural revolution shows how we progressed from hunting to more on agriculture and growing crops. There were no paintings of crops or any plants, so the people were still probably hunting also.
            The paintings of the animals and hunts matter to me because it shows a lot about peoples’ cultures in the past and how much we have progressed and been civilized. I not only like the paintings because I love looking at art, but these paintings and art tell history that was made 32,000 years ago. This history revealed to us the past and how our culture has progressed to a very civilized time. The time is so civilized that people often take for granted all they have. The paintings probably took time, and people only spend time on things that are important. This proves that these people who painted in these caves wanted people to know what was important to them. The cave paintings from France, 32,000 years ago, not only fascinate me, but show me how history has progressed. 

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