Friday, February 18, 2011

Daily Question, " Explain how the origins of theatre in Athens are tied to both religion and politics."

        Religion was an important part of the Greek society. They believed in a polytheistic system, a belief in many gods. The Greek theatre began with religious festivals honoring their gods. The city state of Athens, the political and military power in Greece during this period, was the main center of ancient Greek theatre. Because of the festivals were connected to religion, theaters were often located in or near sanctuaries. The theaters were open-air structures that were often on hillsides.
        In Athens, A festival called by "City Dionysia" was held to honor, Dionysus, the Greek god of fertility and wine.During this festival, men used to perform songs to welcome Dionysus. Initially, theaters were only used for festivals. However, the plays became more than to celebrate their gods. The theater began to expand and not only entertain but also, to criticize the politicians, as well as to teach history.
        Two types of Greek theatres’ plays emerged. There were comedies which often poked fun of political leaders or tragedies that presented the audience with questions or lessons about morality. As the theatres developed overtime, they varied in their purposes. Some of the theatres were used as a place of gathering and talking about an issue like for democracy. The democracy assemble was held in a theatre, and was a place for people to vote and discuss. The theatres played a major role in the Athenian society.


  1. Hi Josh its your best friend Sam. I think you are definitely right about how Athens theater is tied into politics and relgion.

  2. Hi JOSH! its your even better best friend Amanda!!! I agree with Sam on this, you put a lot of thought into your answer.. okay bye!!
