Friday, February 18, 2011

Daily Question, "Do you think Socrates got what he deserved? Why didn't he accept exile?"

I really don’t think Socrates deserved anything. Socrates also didn’t think he did anything wrong, and that questioning the Athenian culture and the wise were alright.  Socrates just stood strong in his belief and preached it. Socrates was a Greek Athenian Philosopher, who questioned many things that the Greeks had and did. Socrates lived during the rise and downfall of Athens. Athens was in a time of trouble, and wanted someone to blame. Who else better to blame than
Socrates for the loss in the Peloponnesian War. Socrates questioned the Athenian law and preached it. Also it was said that Socrates also recognized and discerned the powere of Sparta over Athens. For this Socrates was sentenced for death, but could have begged for a lesser sentence, like exile.
 Socrates didn’t accept exile because it would have made him look weak if he begged for mercy. Also because of his old age, he didn’t have much to do if he was exiled, and if he would have gone with exile, It would have made him like he didn’t stand strong for his belief. I really think he did this for a matter of pride and dignity, because if he would have gone with exile, he probably would have lived in shame for the rest of his life. If he would have begged for mercy, it would have looked like he was wrong, but again he wanted to stand strong for what he believed in. Also if he would have taken the exile, he probably will still have been persecuted by the society. 

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you that he did not deserve anything. I also agree with that if he did accept exile, he would look weak.
