Thursday, January 27, 2011

Daily Question,"Will a "hypertext" world make us more accepting of cyclic history?"

I think a “hypertext” world will make us more accepting of cyclic history because if everything was based on and just like hypertext; there would be no end and just links to more information. This would make life more confusing because there would be no organization and you couldn’t tell where to find something.  If we had a “hypertext” world there would be no chronological order and it would just be a cycle, which definitely would make us more accepting to the cyclic theory of history. The “hypertext” world would have no linear ways of order and would just jump around everywhere, once a while get back to places you have already been. The “hypertext” world basically would just give links or parts to another one to the next and so on, making it have no real order.  A “hypertext” world would be by no means linear, completely leaving the linear theory of history behind.
            The “hypertext” world would change a lot about the world today. It would probably change some people’s linear way of thinking into a cyclic way of taking history. The “hypertext” world would change the ways we distribute information like textbooks and books. The books wouldn’t be placed in any novel format; the story would jump around all the time and not make any sense. The cyclic history would feel a lot easier to get used to if we had a “hypertext” world. Overall, if we lived in a “hypertext” world it would make the acceptance of cyclic history a whole lot easier.

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