Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Daily question, "Could a force like Alexander the Great exist today? Why or why not?"

I think a force like Alexander the great could exist today. It’s not likely, but it can happen. All it takes is some confidence and some very determined people; plus a little more. Today, with the U.N and everything, it is kind of impossible for a huge force and huge power like Alexander the Great could rise up and not be recognized as a threat by organizations like the U.N. The U.N regulates countries from getting to powerful and out of control and its purpose is to help the world live in ultimate peace. Alexander’s force had the will in heart, to defend their nation and conquer Persia. Alexander the Great’s army didn’t act that they wanted to win; they acted like they needed to win. Alexander’s army showed no mercy to Persia and had complete confidence that nothing could stand in their way in their ultimate quest to take over all of Persia. One reason Alexander the Great had such a strong powered force was because that he had the natural ability to be a great leader. Whatever it took to be a good leader back; he had it. A force like Alexander’s today would be very hard to accomplish. To make a force that big and powerful you would need a great leader, confident soldiers, good strategies, and some luck. Overall, Alexander’s forces could probably defeat any army today, but I do believe it is still possible for a force like Alexander the Great’s to exist today.


  1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexander_the_Great

    I think a force could not survive today.

  2. I like how you back up your opinion with plenty of examples, but I personally disagree. There is no leader today who could gain as much power as Alexander did.

  3. It was interesting to read the other side of this daily in your perspective. However i must disagree. with the advancements in technology and having more then one large power in the world i think it highly unlikely this could happen. Take Hitler for example he wanted to rule the world but lost and ended up dead.
