Thursday, March 3, 2011

Daily Question, "Based on what you know about Aristotle, do you think Alexander had listened carefully to his tutor?"

Aristotle was a Greek philosopher, a student of Plato and teacher of Alexander the Great. Based on his writings, Aristotle covered many subjects like; physics, poetry, theater, music, logic, linguistics, politics, government, and biology.  Most of Aristotle’s works contain some of the earliest known formal studies of logic. When Aristotle taught Alexander logic and other stuff like that; Alexander was listening because out of all the things Aristotle taught him in torturing him, he used them as strategies in combat. I believe Alexander used logic to figure out most of his strategies in war, because he won almost all of his battles and outwitted most of his opponents. I don’t believe Aristotle was just a tutor to Alexander the Great; I believe Alexander was inspired by Aristotle and admired him. Alexander the Great used Aristotle’s teachings to outwit his enemies even in the lack of experience in war. Without Aristotle’s teachings, I believe there would have even been an Alexander the Great; there would just be Alexander, son of King Phillip II. Overall, I believe Alexander did listen to Aristotle because in combat Alexander the Great used logic, which Aristotle had taught him. Alexander the Great was a good leader in history and obviously a good listener to his tutor, Aristotle. 


  1. This is a very good detail. I agree with what you said 100%. I do believe Aristotle influenced Alexander's life in a good way. Here is a good article:

  2. Explain how Alexander used logic in battle. Give specific examples from Issus and Gaugamela.

  3. I like how you included that Alexander was actually inspired by Aristotle. You also gave good details about why Alexander listened to his tutor with war and military strategies. Well-Written Post.
